Hubs and I spend, on average, $120 a month on groceries. This summer was a funny case because while I didn't buy a lot of groceries (we ate out of the garden a lot) we did go out to eat more than we had this spring, so it evened out. Just for fun, I thought I would Google how much other couples spend on groceries.
For a 19-50 y/o male (that's Hubs) and a 19-50 y/o female (that's me), the USDA recommends budgeting $81.80 per week for groceries. That is according to their "thrifty" plan, which is the cheapest option. The most expensive "liberal plan" option, recommends a whopping $162.40 per week.
How much do you spend each week (or month) on groceries? Do you think the USDA recommendations are accurate? Why or why not?