My goats are doing very well- it looks like Adi's pregnancy is coming along nicely. I'm so excited to see her baby (or babies!) and start milking her. This week I plan on doing a hoof trim and upping her grain ration. I was watching some goat birthing videos on Youtube, and it reminded me of home. Part of me thinks, "Hey, this is your first time doing goats EVER- you should be scared!" But I think growing up around animals- especially dairy animals- has made the journey less daunting. The other day Adi's previous owner dropped off her "paperwork". I told Hubs that this is the first time I've ever owned a registered animal. We are really moving up in the world. ;)
My plants in our mudroom did very well, even without being watered for three weeks. The herbs in my pallet garden died (as expected, and as they would have outside anyway), but my orange, jade, and avocado trees are still doing okay. I was very happy at the success of my hydroponics system while we were gone. The lettuce, though it lost some color due to lack of nutrients, still grew. The pepper plant I pulled from the garden is still holding its own as well.
Before we left, Hubs helped me build three raised beds. I put "lasagna" layers in each bed, and hopefully next spring the layers will have turned to compost. Another idea I'm going to try is a "three sisters" garden- planting squash and beans with my corn. I saw some of this in Guatemala. Next year, if all goes according to plan, I'll grow just as many vegetables but with a plot half the size that I had this year. Less weeding, less tilling... yay.
Til then,