We also went to a free "Poverty 101" class that our church hosted. I thought it was very informative and answered some questions I had, like "why do poor people buy Doritos at convenience stores instead of real food at grocery stores" and things like that.
Here were some of my accomplishments for the week:
1. Groceries: I spent $34.65 on groceries last week. We spent $20.07 at Walmart and $14.58. People, always make a detailed list before you go shopping!! It helps a ton! Whenever I go shopping without a list, I buy more stuff, more expensive stuff, and mess up coupon deals every single time (see my "free" mayo deal in the video below).
3. Garden: I've been harvesting red and black raspberries for the past week or so. I also collected mullein flowers and comfrey leaves to use in herbal remedies. My husband fixed a raccoon trap, so we can try and eliminate the predators that have been eating eggs and possibly chickens during the past week or so.
4. Cans: we picked up cans to recycle during several family walks.
5. Reorganizing: Baby was starting to get into the books on my bookshelf, so I decided to move the contents of the two bottom shelves into our storage area and use them as storage for some of her toys. Since she was born, finding space for everything (extra furniture, outgrown toys or clothes, etc.) has been a bit of a struggle. I've already sold, donated or tossed a lot of our stuff, but I will probably do the same thing again in a few weeks.
Til next time,