2. Collected cans and bottles to recycle. It was unseasonably warm this week (in the 60s), so I cajoled Hubs into going for several long walks with me and picking up cans. We brought home several grocery bags full of cans this week, plus got in some free exercise.
3. Also because of the warm weather, the chickens have been laying a lot of eggs. This week I made boiled eggs in the Instant Pot for the first time, and then we had egg salad and quiche as well. The IP eggs turned out fantastic- easy to peel and fast to cook. Another point for the Instant Pot!
4. Shopping: I didn't do any couponing this week. We went to Walmart and got some stuff on my list, including a 10lb. bag of white rice and pepper. Hubs found a cheaper brand of yogurt starter ($0.40 instead of $0.80). On Valentine's Day we were in the city, so I got to stop at Gordon Food Service and Aldi. At Gordon's I bought a block of mozzarella cheese, and at Aldi I bought two gallons of milk. I also checked prices at both places for a few different items.
5. Valentine's Day: I made some heart-shaped paper chains from a pink brochure and some yarn in my stash. One of my red amaryllis plants bloomed over V-day, which was kind of nice as well. We went out for lunch at Olive Garden (not frugal), but then for dinner our church was having a couple's night, so we ate there during the evening. I love food!
6. Garden planning: I started to plan out my garden for this year. After taking an inventory of my seed collection, I discovered that I have 45 different types of seeds in my collection. Wow! I did buy some onion and sweet corn seeds at Menards this week (they were having an 11% off sale!), but I already have most of the other seeds. Just FYI, I did not collect and save all of those seeds. Because we don't need a whole row of everything in our garden, I just use a small percentage of the seeds from a new packet and save the rest for another year (or two, or three). Oftentimes, seeds are viable for more than one year.
7. Traded in our mattress. The mattress we bought several years ago was starting to sag in the middle, so we decided to upgrade. If you keep the receipt and papers when you buy a new mattress, you may be able to get a replacement for free instead of sleeping on it for 10 years and then paying full price for a replacement. Hubs had to cut the tags off of our old mattress and bring them in to the store, and then we chose which mattress we wanted (it was about a $100.00 upgrade from the last one) and all we paid was the $100.00 difference. The old mattress was still in decent condition, so we gave it to a friend.
I think that is about it for last week! What frugal stuff was on your agenda?