3. Garden: Harvested peppers, hot peppers and tomatoes from the garden. I ended up drying the peppers as well as some carrots. I'll dry the hot peppers later this week.
4. Line dried two loads of laundry!! Not only did I DO the laundry this week, but I was able to get it out on the line to dry!
Little by little I'm "reclaiming" some of the household chores like laundry, meals, cleaning, etc. The trick, I'm learning, is to do these things WITH baby girl instead of trying to do everything while Hubs has her or while she is sleeping. This includes watching her nap on our nifty little video monitor! It is so reassuring to watch her little chest rise and fall while I work in the kitchen. The baby carrier and stroller have also been helpful for the outdoor chores like animal chores, garden work and hanging laundry.
One thing I haven't done much of (that I really wanted to) is baby wearing. During her first week at home I tried some different wraps and slings, but couldn't get the hang of it. Then the weather turned REALLY hot (in the upper 80s! in late September!) and I didn't feel comfortable carrying her for very long in another layer of fabric. Since then we've still had warm weather- nice for everything but baby wearing. A couple times we took her out in the front pack but I still felt it was just a touch too warm. Now that the weather is finally cooling down I've taken up the wraps and slings again. Still not much success so far, but we're working on it. This is something I'd really like to do, especially during weeks like this one where she's just fussy a lot and wanting to be held.
So, that was my little list of accomplishments. See you all next week!