2. Cooking: I did better making actual meals this week instead of just eating cereal and junk food. Some of the meals we had were: lamb rice curry, chicken salad, hash, bagel sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, baked potatoes, ham soup and grilled chicken thighs. I also made a batch of kombucha (yay!!). I tried making pineapple juice in the Instant Pot, but it tasted too "cooked" to drink like juice.
3. Garden: I weeded a lot this week. Baby and I picked strawberries, mulberries and black raspberries for the freezer. I also cut some lettuce for salad and harvested some mullein for herbal remedies.
4. Thrifting: We went to the 50% off sale at Volunteers of America this week. I bought a baby monitor that didn't work ($1.50), a pair of jeans for myself ($1.60), and a swing-top bottle to use for kombucha ($0.75). I also bought some things for a Montessori weaning set that I'm working on (pictured above): two shot glasses ($0.50 each), two tray baskets ($1.50 and $1.25) and a small glass pitcher ($1.00).
5. Baby items: I sewed two bibs and two placemats for Baby Girl. I'm not quite finished with the placemats. I made each set of items with scrap fabric and bias tape that I already had. I used an old dishtowel on the back of the bibs to catch water spills. These will go with the weaning set. I hope to do a post about it when I'm finished with the placemats.
6. Computer desk setup: Last fall I threw out our old, broken hand-me-down computer desk to make room for a treadmill desk, which I thought would magically melt away all of the baby weight I had gained while pregnant. It didn't quite work like I thought it would. It was easy enough to walk while watching Youtube, but I couldn't multi-task well enough to write anything while walking. I ended up doing all of my writing on the kitchen table, while the poor treadmill sat unused. So, that was a waste of $80.00. This spring, I found myself more and more using my laptop on the kitchen table or couch, which is awful for posture, not to mention it clutters everything up.
We got rid of the treadmill, which turned my treadmill desk into a standing desk. I bought an external USB keyboard and mouse for $13.00, and Hubs built a second shelf out of free scrap lumber so that my hands can be at the proper 90-degree angle. Not only that, but I was able to point a set of external speakers into the kitchen/living room, so I can work and listen to audio without dragging the laptop over to the kitchen table. I love, love, love this setup. It makes writing so easy, especially with the external keyboard and mouse. I wish I would have gotten those two items years ago.
That's all, folks! I look forward to sharing more next week.