I also got a few other odds and ends- toys for my piano students' "prize box", a tablecloth, some hand towels, and a few other odds and ends.
2. Sold 2 dozen eggs.
3. Made more queso blanco this week.
4. Picked up some $0.50 videos at a thrift store.
6. I helped Hubs make a display/carrying box for my goat milk soap. This will be great for the farmers market in a couple of weeks! We used mostly scrap lumber and hardware. The dividers are removable, in case I want to use the box for something else.
I wasn't expecting the fiber to be done until the middle of summer, but now I'll be able to have it for sale during my first weeks at the farmers market. I got back about two lbs. of finished wool- that is, 32 ounces. I plan on selling the wool by the ounce, priced from $5-$10/oz. depending on the market. $5/oz. would cover my costs for processing ($100) and care of almost two goats for this year. If I sell the fiber more slowly at $8/oz., it will cover the cost of processing and care of almost all of the pygora goats for this year.
8. In the garden I sowed lettuce, cilantro and radishes, hopefully some of which I'll be able to sell at the farmers market. I also cleaned up my market/fodder garden so when the tiller is fixed, it can be plowed under.
So, that's it for last week. I didn't do any rebates because we didn't go grocery shopping. Most of my time was spent doing farmers market stuff, book launch stuff and we had several social/people events this week. April is one of the harder months for me because I'm finishing up winter projects (the book, for example, and we're also in the final weeks of a Dale Carnegie course) and starting new spring projects at the same time (garden, farmers market). Social events seem to triple during the warm weather, so evenings and weekends fill up pretty quickly on top of regular spring projects.
I miss quiet Sunday afternoons of reading and drinking tea...
Goals for this week:
Plant onions in garden
Repot curly willow starts
Package fiber for market
Fine-tune editing for print edition of book & order copies