3. Garden: harvested peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, lettuce, and ONE fresh strawberry from the garden! During my massive Aldi/Walmart/VOA shopping trip, I also stopped at a local greenhouse and bought $10.31 worth of pepper and cucumber plants. I love to start seeds, but this year it just didn't happen for the peppers. The pepper plants cost $0.45 each, so I know that if each plant bears just one pepper, it will have paid for itself. I only bought four cucumber plants, and those were just $0.34 each (again, one cucumber per plant and they will pay for themselves). I should have started my cucumbers from seed, but I forgot to buy the seeds. Last year my little seedlings got eaten by bugs, so I thought it would be a good idea to start with bigger, hardy plants. At least maybe I'll get some cucumbers from them!
Some people have an all-or-nothing approach when it comes to gardening. If they can't plant a big row garden, and start all of their own seeds, then they just won't grow anything at all. I think this is very silly. Every item you grow yourself will save money over buying it at the store/farmers market. Even if you buy transplants from a nursery like I did.
In addition to the seedlings, I also planted the last of my sweet corn seeds in a pot on my porch. This is a little experiment I'm doing for the benefit of all you city folks. My lettuce has done AMAZING in the porch pot. I'm excited to see how much money there is to be saved with my sweet corn porch pot. Like I said before, gardening is not an all-or-nothing venture. Every plant you grow has the potential to save a few dollars. Even people with just a balcony can save a few dollars gardening in porch pots.
4. Line dried three loads of laundry.
5. Butchered a rooster. It kept attacking me, so... we ate chicken this week.
5. Made cheese, yogurt and Greek yogurt.
6. Collected cans to recycle while I went on walks.
7. Used a $1.00 off coupon on our weekly date night.
8. Sold three dozen eggs.
Some meals we had this week were tacos, chicken salad, chicken soup, cheesy rice/broccoli dish with coleslaw, baked potatoes, and venison roast. And of course, leftovers. I still have a lot of the cabbage left from two weeks ago, so we will probably have coleslaw again and I might try to do something else with the cabbage. Any ideas?
Youtube Videos:
I uploaded four videos this week.
Selling at a Farmers Market: My Story (first of my farmers market playlist)
DIY Milk Processing at Home
Friday: Pizza (part of my weekly menu series)
Aldi/Walmart Grocery Haul: $25.27
Well, that's all folks! How did you do this week?