1. Shopping: You can see my grocery shopping haul below, or with my other hauls on Youtube. Ham was on sale again! We also spent $5.00 on bread and lunch meat later in the week for a picnic lunch. I am going to call that a really cheap date instead of groceries.
3. Juiced and stored free limes. Remember my free limes from last week? I decided to juice half of the limes right away, and I put the other half in a sealed ziplock bag in the fridge. They are supposed to last for several weeks this way, and I enjoy using fresh lime juice on tacos, meat etc.
4. Dried celery leaves and ends to use in soup. I made a Youtube video about it here. I like drying celery because you don't have to use up more room in the fridge/freezer, plus the flavor holds very well.
6. Some flowers that I planted from seed last year are coming back up! I chose several different flower varieties to grow from seed last year, and most of them did poorly. I decided to not grow any flowers from seed this year because it was not worth my time. However, I didn't realize that my delphiniums were perennials!! Now I have seven big, healthy delphinium plants that will provide a whole passel of cut flowers this summer.
7. DIDN'T use some high-value coupons I had. Several months ago I received seven coupons for "free" items from a group of online stores. When I determined the cost of shipping though, at $13.00-$17.00 per item, the coupons weren't worth using. Most were for items that I can make myself or buy at garage sales for much less.
I think that's about it for this week! What were some of your frugal accomplishments?