Garden Structure
4 x 4 Raised Beds: These are planted with peppers and tomatoes. Last fall I filled them with alternating layers of leaves, grass clippings, and horse/goat/chicken manure. This Spring before planting put newspaper over everything and then topped it all off with a generous layer of cow manure compost from my parents' farm. Next time the grass gets mowed, the clippings will be put on as mulch.
Lettuce: The lettuce is coming up nicely. I saved some seeds from last year, and (learning from my mistakes!) I only planted a few heads. Soon I will put in another planting of lettuce.
Radishes: I planted one radish in the middle of each square- most of these have been eaten by bugs.
Carrots: These are leftover from last year. I should probably plant some new ones and let these old ones go to seed.
Tomatoes: I grew Beefsteaks and Romas this year from seed, being careful to label which was which. Unfortunately during the transplanting process the tomatoes were moved into larger cups and the two varieties got mixed up. Oops.
Strawberries: The plants I planted last year are doing great. They have a ton of blossoms and I can't wait for the harvest in a few weeks.
Chives: Up and coming like usual. I might try to save and plant some chives seeds this year.
Sage: Also up and coming like usual.
Dill: We had some volunteer dill pop up from last year. I hope to dry some dill weed to add to my spice cupboard.
Cilantro: And there is volunteer cilantro EVERYWHERE. This is great, because I've heard that it is in great demand at the Farmer's Market.
Next I'll be planting corn, squashes and melons.
Now get out there and get YOUR hands dirty!