Now this tutorial differs from every other stock/broth tutorial that I can find on the internet. Most people make the stock and THEN use, freeze, or can it. I've figured out how to make stock AND preserve it all in the same step. The secret is a pressure canner.
1. Find some clean and/or sterile quart jars.
2. Drop the following into each jar:
1 slice of onion
1 piece carrot
1/2 tsp. salt
1 splash (1/2 tsp.?) vinegar
2 prepared chicken feet
1 wing, neck or other bony part >> OR you can just use all chicken feet or all bony parts. At least 3 pieces is a good rule of thumb. A wing will give you some flavor, as opposed to using all feet or just bones.
3. Fill the jar up with water, leaving a 1" headspace.
4. Sterilize lids and screw on bands.
5. Follow your pressure canner instructions for processing meat. My instructions are to process 1 hr. 15 min. at 10 lbs. pressure.
And that's it! To make sure the gelatin hasn't broken down, put a jar in the fridge overnight. If it gels, you're good to go. When you are ready to make soup, open the can and peel the fat off (if desired). Gently heat the broth until it is liquid and strain out the feet & meaty parts. If you want, you can pick the meat off the bones and use it in your soup.
I've made so many batches of stock that, for one reason or another, don't gel up. I really don't make chicken broth for the flavor, but for the gelatin. This method of using chicken feet in the pressure cooker gives me consistent results. I look forward to trying this method with bones as opposed to feet.
How do you make bone broth? Do you have a favorite method that works great?