1. Soak the beans overnight.
2. Bring beans to a boil (add water if necessary). The longer you boil the beans, the softer they will be. I prefer to just bring mine to a boil.
3. Ladle into clean, hot jars leaving 1" headspace. Cover with cooking liquid.
4. Process in a pressure canner at 10 lbs. pressure (adjust for your altitude); 1 hr. 15 minutes for pints, and 1 hr. 30 minutes for quarts.
Sometimes the cooking liquid leaks out and causes the rings to stick. If this happens, put the jar upside down in a bowl of water for a while. This will cause it to loosen up.
Because we're all too busy in the summertime, right now- February- is a great time to be canning beans. It's fast, easy, and oh-so-convenient when you want to whip up a batch of spicy refried beans or black bean brownies. Dump a can into some leftover rice and salsa.... yummy. Add chicken and pineapple... even yummier. So snatch up all the sale beans you can find and get to canning!