The other day I took my camera on a walk and took pictures of three new plants to identify. Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a pretty, white Spring-blossoming flower. It is small with light pink-striped petals on a blossom 1/2" - 3/4" wide. The leaves look like blades of grass.
As fate would have it, these flowers grow tubers underneath- tiny "fairy potatoes" that you can dig up, boil and eat. From what I have read, they taste like a yummy cross between potatoes and chestnuts. You know how much I like foraging for wild edible and medicinal plants! However, these were not growing on our property, nor had I talked with the property owner. In addition, the plant's numbers have decreased because so many people were digging up tubers and eating them. So I just enjoyed the flowers as they were growing and took a picture to share with you all. If you really want one of these plants, there are varieties that you can buy at nurseries and garden centers.
What are your favorite Spring time flowers?