1. Shopping: I went shopping at Walmart this week (see haul video below). We also bought some Chex Mix to take to a potluck for $2.00. I walked up to the cash register with two bags of off-brand mix for $2.19 each, but then the cashier pointed out the brand name kind, which was on sale for $0.99 per bag. Yay! Total spending for groceries this week was $12.53.
3. Line dried one load of laundry. I tried for two loads, but it started raining and I had to bring the second load back in wetter than they went out. :(
4. Clipped some restaurant coupons from the local newspaper, and used some others over the weekend as well.
5. Donated some stuff to Goodwill. This was my biggest "Aha!" frugal accomplishment of the week. Of course I have donated things before, but this time Hubs and I asked for a receipt. I didn't know it, but if you itemize your tax deductions (instead of taking the standard deduction) you can write off donations of physical stuff. This is Goodwill's suggested value of different items:
Note: Most people don't itemize their tax deductions (around 75% just take standard deductions) but I thought I'd throw this little nugget out there for those of you who do. It's worth asking your accountant about if you have a mortgage, high medical expenses, or if you do a lot of charitable giving (at least that's what Youtube says! We just do what our accountant says). Hubs and I pay more in taxes than all of our other living expenses combined, so we're always on the lookout for new ways to save on that line item.
6. Collected cans to recycle while on various walks.
7. Earned $30.99 at the farmers market.
Due to the holiday weekend, farmers market and general busyness, I only got around to uploading three videos this week.
Walmart Haul: $10.55 (shown above)
Three FRUGAL Ways to Grow Lettuce
Eat for $10 a Week: Inside My Pantry
What were some frugal things you did this week (or weekend)?