1. Sold two books on Amazon.
2. Made pinwheel danishes from scratch for a group thing we went to. They were SUPER yummy, and only cost about $3.00 for a batch of two dozen.
4. Gave Hubs a haircut.
5. Did farm chores for a neighbor, and in return they gave us some sausage. Yum!
6. Sold nine dozen eggs. Last week one of my goals was to list my chicken eggs on Craigslist, but before I did that I put a post out to my Facebook friends. Whoa! I sold almost ALL of the eggs I had, found at least two weekly customers and a bi-weekly customer.
7. Finished up the apron I've been working on! It was quite an adventure working with a 70-year-old pattern, which will be a post in itself, most likely.
8. Mended a shirt for Hubs.
9. Started basil seeds. Because I've started SO many seeds, it's hard to keep track of when I planted them. This makes it hard to know when the things should sprout. From now on I'm not only going to write the name of the seed and date I planted it, but also the estimated date(s) of germination. This will make things much less confusing for me.
1. Start new apron.
2. Make one batch of soap.
3. Organize sewing room.
Looking forward to another week of frugality!