Why no frugal accomplishments this week? I was so naive when we moved into this house. I thought that once we moved in, the house would magically paint and decorate itself. That, or it would magically do all of the laundry, cooking, and cleaning without me. Oh, how wrong I was. It has been over two months since we moved in, and we still don’t have rugs or curtains anywhere. Hubs just got the dryer vented today. I had intended to finish the big upstairs bedroom by now. As of today, it still has an air mattress and puppy-dog spotted floor (painted that way… don’t worry, there’s nothing gross up there). I mean, I got the walls and trim painted. But… it’s a far cry from being done.
So... I don’t have a lot to report. I’ve been making yummy meals and painting the upstairs when I’m not taking our daughter to the potty, reading her books, cleaning or doing laundry. It’s been a boring week around here, frugally speaking, and I expect more of the same during the next few months. Sorry, guys.
So, yeah. And I have more bad news. Last week I was trying to free up space on my phone, and accidentally deleted five months’ worth of photos. Permanently. Thankfully my husband had taken pictures of our daughter and our house renovation, so we still have those. But all of my “before” room pictures? Gone. Which totally stinks. But maybe I can squeeze my in-laws for some. Sigh.
Okay. So.
I did a uploaded a short Youtube video on Saturday that had some clips from the past month. There would have been a lot more, but like I said… deleted. And it’s probably okay that the video is short, since it ended up taking four hours to upload to Youtube.
A simple Winter Meal Idea
In a week or two, pull out that soup again, thaw it out and heat it up! Then prepare whatever fruit you have on hand, put it in the tiny glass bowls, and you have another simple, easy winter meal!
Note: as I said at the beginning of this post, it has been (and will continue to be, as long as we’re still working on our house) difficult for me to come up with extra “frugal accomplishments” each week. It’s not that I don’t do frugal things, but I struggle with photographing and keeping track of them, then spending an hour or two every week writing down the details. Instead of doing a long post on here, I may switch to making vlogs for the time being. I think this will bring you better, more usable content each week. I say "more usable" for two reasons:
1. Instead of writing "I made soup this week", I'll be able to show you how I made it, what I put in it, etc. This is the kind of detail I don't have time to go into when I put together a blog post.
2. My ideas will be more accessible to people like myself, who don't make time to read blogs. If something isn't in a video or podcast, or on Instagram, I just don't read it. There are so many "hands on" things I have to do in a day. When I do get a chance to sit down and read, I'm reading a physical paperback, not anything on the internet. Sadly, blogs have fallen off the radar for me. Happily, there are many interesting Youtube channels I can listen to while doing dishes or folding laundry, and a handful of podcasts that I listen to while painting upstairs. The podcasts take more concentration to listen to, so Youtube seems to be my "go to" content source when it comes to all things homemaking.
3. Oh yeah- there's one more reason I plan on switching to video. I'll actually put out more content! Video is something I can do with my daughter tagging along, and it doesn't take much extra effort.
What are your thoughts? Yay or nay? Video or blog posts? I don't plan to quit writing forever, but during this busy season I'm struggling to do it all.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!