Sunday before last, Hubs' mom and two youngest brothers were in a very bad car accident. My mother-in-law and the oldest brother made it out, but the younger brother Anthony (only 14) died on impact. This happened less than a quarter mile from our house, on their way home from church.
With two family members in the hospital and a funeral to put together, Hubs and seven of his other siblings were extremely busy. I won't lie- it was a really hard week, emotionally and physically.
The local community plus friends and family pulled together to help out in prayer and in person. Food and financial support came in from all over. People came over to stock the furnace, plow the driveway and feed the animals. Thanks to the prayers of many, my brother- and mother-in-law were able to attend the funeral. This was a big deal, since my MIL was originally told there would be no way for her to come. We are so, so thankful for those who stepped in to help.
So, that is it in a nutshell. Right now BIL and MIL are home from the hospital. They are still recovering from broken ribs and spend a lot of time sitting down or in wheel chairs. The upside is that some of us get to push each other around in the vacant wheelchair. Last night I had the pleasure of being pushed around by my 18-month old nephew.
If you are willing, we would appreciate your prayers for the next several weeks. In particular, pray for peace on behalf of my husband's family and the ones who spent the most time with Anthony.
Thankfully things are starting to settle down and get back to "normal"... as much as you can call life without a loved one normal. I plan on doing a "frugal round up" later in the week, and hopefully will get back to regular posting after Christmas.