3. Gardening: I dug some young potatoes, as we had our first hard frost last week. These were potatoes that I planted in late August because they sprouted in our pantry. I also brought in some green tomatoes to finish ripening indoors. I put the little tomatoes in egg cartons for storage.
6. Sewing: I got a ton of mending done last week! I mended two cloth diapers, patched three pairs of pants, hemmed two pairs of pants, made mittens for Baby and a zippered pencil case to hold all of my bullet journaling supplies.
I think having the sewing room area organized helped me get a lot more done this week!
7. Train station: We didn't have much to do on Saturday, so we decided to go to a local train museum. When we got there, we realized that the "museum" was more of a working train station than a museum. It was filled with excursionists waiting to reboard the Pere Marquette, a historical working steam engine (famous for its portrayal in "The Polar Express"). So much steam!
I think that's about it for the week.
What were some of your frugal accomplishments?