2. Got $2 worth of rebates on Ibotta and Checkout 31. Now that I have a phone, it is a lot easier to use these couponing apps to save money and/or get free stuff. I only unlock "any brand" rebates. If you buy a name-brand product with coupons, often times it is still more expensive than just buying the off-brand. Using coupons with off-brand products will give you a true bargain. Better yet, the "any brand" rebates tend to be for staple foods, not things like candy or ice cream. This week's examples:
- One gallon of milk for $1.04
- One free jalapeno pepper (I'll use this for flavoring meals this week and also grow the seeds)
- One free banana
- One loaf of bread for $0.73
- One pound of pasta for $0.53
4. Sold five dozen eggs. Production is picking up finally!
5. Started broccoli seeds.
Goals for Next Week:
1. Transplant chili pepper seeds.
2. Transplant broccoli and/or delphinium seeds.
3. Transplant pumpkin-on-a-stick seeds.
4. Start jalapeno pepper seeds.
5. Work on apron.
6. Darn socks.
Til next time,