2. Cooking: I did a lot of cooking this week compared to what I normally do. Instead of grocery shopping, I designated some items from the pantry. You can watch a Youtube video about my pantry "shopping" below:
3. Hobby farm: I learned about a new way to preserve eggs up to a year. This is the Youtube video I watched. The method is called "waterglassing" and involves pickling lime, or hydrated lime. You mix the lime in water (1 oz. lime for every quart of water) and then just drop the clean, unwashed eggs in. Not all of my eggs come from the coop "clean", but the ones that are can be put up safely for winter. Supposedly they will last at least eight months, or until the chickens start laying eggs again next spring. Waterglassing some of the eggs helps deflect some of the surplus, not to mention we'll be able to have good, free, farm "fresh" eggs during the winter months when I normally have to buy eggs.
We also successfully "exterminated" a possum, who had been eating the chickens' table scraps, chicken eggs, chicken feed and at least one chicken. I actually caught him INSIDE the coop one night as I was shutting them in! Yikes! This was my first time dealing with one; I'll share all of the details in my next hobby farm update.
4. Clothing: I darned three socks this week, plus mended a few different items of clothing. We also got three T-shirts at Menards- two for me and one for Hubs. Each shirt was free with a rebate.
I hope you are all having a great week!
Til next time,