"AND they're 100% natural. In fact, there's nothing more natural than taking three hundred thousand pounds of flower petals to make one ounce of oil. Nature does it all the time."
"Instead of using inexpensive chamomile tea to help me relax, I use a few drops of expensive chamomile oil to relax."
"I LOVE using essential oils for alternative remedies to common ailments like colds and the flu, instead of using remedies that actually work."
"It burns a little. That's the sensation that it's working."
"I like to add essential oils to my already effective health practices like drinking smoothies, taking epsom salt baths and stretching. It gives me the added benefit of believing that my expensive essential oils are benefiting me."
"Would you like to hear about a wealth-building opportunity? .... You'll just need to purchase a $745 starter kit."
"You'll only need to invest about 55 hours each week.... after a few years, you'll start to see the commission checks ROLLING in."
"Plus, our company funded independently funded research that proved our oils are the purest on the planet."
So many funny things! In case you're wondering, I do use essential oils and can't agree with the video 100%, but he makes so many valid points in a hilarious way. You can read my thoughts about essential oils and multi-level marketing if you're interested.
I can't wait until he does a video on Plexus!