1 gal. milk
1 1/4 tsp. Citric Acid Powder
1/4 tsp. liquid rennet or 1/8 rennet tablet
1/2 cup cool water, divided in half
1. Dissolve the citric acid powder into 1/2 cup cool water.
2. Dissolve the rennet tablet/liquid in 1/4 cup cool water.
3. Pour milk into a big pot and add citric acid mixture.
4. Heat to 88 degrees F.
5. Add rennet, slowly stirring for 30 seconds. The milk will start to coagulate, or form curds.
6. Let it sit for 15 minutes to form a big massive curd. It helps to use a timer. When you dip your finger into the curds they will break cleanly over your finger. Whey will fill the depression where your finger has been.
7. Cut the curd into 1-inch cubes. This allows more whey to be released. Allow curds to rest for 10 minutes.
9. Place the post of curds into a sink of very hot tap water and slowly bring the temperature up to 108 degrees. Curds will shrink during this process. Drain curds in a colander for 15 minutes.
The curds must now be worked and stretched in a brine solution (2-3 oz. salt + 1 quart water).
There are many methods and variations of stretching the curd. Some recipes call for using the whey (with added salt) as a brine. Some call for a water-and-salt brine, and some utilize the microwave. If you're in a time pinch, these methods will work. The basic idea is to heat the curd and stretch it until it is shiny.
10. Heat liquid to 150 degrees, more or less. Place curds into heated brine. Work quickly so the cheese doesn't melt into the brine. Using salad tongs, cooking utensils or rubber-gloved hands, bring the curds out of the brine, pulling and stretching like you would taffy until the cheese is shiny.
Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
Happy curd-pulling!