No chicken deaths to report in November. We are up to three eggs per day now, as opposed to two last month. So that's good news!
I also started working on a new fodder system for my chickens. I wanted to do this last year (and previous years) but just never got around to it. I got my husband to use his construction whiz skills to build a frame for stacking fodder containers on top of each other. This month I'm going to drill holes in my containers and stack them on top of each other. The idea is to line the bottom of each container with seed for sprouting. Then you water on the top, and the water trickles down to all of the other containers. Each day you take one container of fully sprouted fodder out to the chickens, and add more seed on the (empty) bottom container.
This month we used fallen leaves to cover almost all the rows of strawberries. I had planned on doing straw, but I think the leaves will be better because there is no chance of them shedding seeds for a weedy strawberry patch next year. We also didn't have to buy straw. There are still a few uncovered rows that I should probably buy straw for. But we'll see if that happens or not.
Profit & Loss
Expenses: $4.00 for fodder containers
Income: $3.15 from book royalties (One Season of Farmers Market)
Net profit: $(0.85)
Year-to-date net profit: $324.51
Well, the good news is that I lost less than a dollar this month! I know I will have to buy feed in December, but that's all I can forsee. I really like the pared-down animal chores this year. We are planning on doing a winter vacation sometime in January, and the goats are one less thing I have to worry about while we're gone.
Til next time,