Today we took some new streets and found a pastry shop that is OFFICIALLY my favorite bakery of all the bakeries I have ever been in. The display cases were filled with absolutely intricate pastries decorated with chocolate and fruit, beautiful and perfect full-size cakes and fancy bread rolls. Hubs bought me a nice creme-filled croissant for $0.75. It was perfect; sweet like a pastry, but not sickly-sweet like donuts I am used to eating in the States. Even my favorite custard-filled long johns could not hold a candle to the pastry I ate today. If I could have my own bakery, it would be exactly like the one we visited this afternoon.
We've got only two more days of Spanish school, so I'm studying hard to learn in as much as I can before we leave Antigua. Yesterday after school I kept replying "si" ("yes") to Hubs after spending my five hours with Aura. I think the Spanish is getting to my head.