We intentionally picked a very easy all-inclusive resort vacation this year instead of a backpacking trip or road trip. We had a lot of fun going to the coffee shop for warm beverages, walking along the beach, sitting by the pool eating french fries and watching shows in the evening. My favorite show was a circus show. The Mexican show was also good, but their "American" show had some raunchy parts. It only had one English song! We figured out at the end that it was more of a South/Central "American" show than a North American show.
One of the highlights for me was having two real date nights with my Hubs! My sister came along with us and was able to babysit for a few nights. Hubs made a reservation at the resort's fanciest restaurant, which featured a six-course meal. I tried so many new things!
Another "first" for me was getting a professional manicure. It cost somewhere between $40.00 and $50.00 (price was in pesos), which is why I've never had one done before. I upgraded to gel polish so it would last longer. It's been four days since I had it done, and no chips so far. Gel polish is a bit more expensive (it has to be cured with UV or LED light, not just air-dried), plus there are some health concerns with its frequent and long-term use. However, I haven't painted my fingernails in years because the polish chips when I wash dishes (which is every day). Not only that, but with a baby now I don't have an hour to let multiple coats of polish dry. With an LED lamp, a coat of gel polish will dry in 30 seconds. Right now there's not room in our personal care budget for a $40.00 nail polish setup, but if I save a dollar or two every week there might be room by the end of the year.
On our last day of vacation, we visited some Mayan ruins at Tulum. While these were nowhere near as old as the ruins we saw in Guatemala (Tikal), they were still pretty cool. Most of us were feeling better by Friday, the weather had finally warmed up and it was a great day.