1. Sold seven dozen eggs this week.
2. Got one pound of pasta for $0.53 using an Ibotta rebate.
3. Found a boxed dinner on clearance at Kroger. I don't usually buy these things, but it was on sale and box dinners are an easy way to try something new.
There was some leftover chipotle chicken meat, sauce, and tortillas after we had the boxed meal for lunch. I used the taco shells for dinner, and used the sauce and leftover meat to make pizza the next day. Which was pretty tasty, I might add!
4. Much of our fruit is starting to blossom this week! So far I've seen pear, cherry, peach and even a few strawberry blossoms.
My experimental free fruit trees are doing well. Out of seven cuttings, at least four are starting to revive and grow new shoots. This is good news.
When I finished with the sheep wool, I started on some of the pygora. It was SO easy to spin! I was super happy with how it turned out. The only problem I had with spinning the pygora is that sometimes the thread would get so thin that it would break off as I was spinning. However, that was due to user error and not the fiber itself.
Goals for Next Week
1. Transplant broccoli starts into garden bed.
2. Plant green beans in garden bed.
3. Plant peas in market garden.
4. Plant kale in market garden.
Til next time,